It can be tempting to want to agree with everybody’s opinion about you. Especially the negative ones.
It is good to hear feedback from people but your true personality is who you think you are not what people say.
A lot of persons have not been able to manage the perceptions of others about them. They accept the good and bad views.
There are a lot of things to consider before you can accept the perceptions of others. And also there is a right way to respond or deal with it.
Some are true, some are wrong. But they are all observations to the person not a conclusion about your life.
This article is to give you the right mindset and hence reaction to other’s perception about you.
It could be that you are what people say because you accepted what they said.
1.Don’t Try To Fix People:
Your whole life can turn into a mirage right from the moment you decide to fix people’s perceptions about you.
The best you should do is allow the right and correct information to come out if they are wrong. You can’t force people to accept the truth about you. But you can make them know the truth.
When you start to allow yourself to be moved by everything you hear and want to try to fix them by all means, you would be wasting time.
People only believe what they want to believe.
2. It’s Just An Observation:
What people are saying is from their point of view. It is just what they observe. And their observation can be wrong.
Sometimes, they did not observe anything, they might have just spoken out of anger or false premise.
If the speaker is not 100% sure of what they are saying why must you accept them as if it’s your reality.
It is just another observation and nothing more.
3. How Close Are They:
Who is talking? How close are they to you? These questions are very important. Sometimes, they may not know you enough to say certain things about you, even if it is positive.
Based on what prior knowledge do these people have about you that makes them say certain things?
4. Your Thoughts Make You:
You are what you think you are. Your life is a product of your thoughts.
When people say certain things about you it would become your reality if you accept it.
If you keep pondering on a particular statement somebody just said about you. It only becomes true when you agree.
5. You Control Your Life:
You remain the main player in your life. Never lose focus on that. Every decision and action you make is your responsibility. You should be careful of how much space you give to people.
They have much power as you are willing to give. Despite what you hear from people never forget it is your life.
You are the one to handle the consequence or benefits not them.
6. Self-Confidence:
Always make sure you have a healthy amount of self-confidence. Low self-esteem can make you lose out in life.
When you don’t believe in yourself, you then believe people’s perceptions more.
Those perceptions might be true but you might put yourself in a psychological cage. Because you have accepted their opinion and you have lost your voice.
7. Avoid Negative Meditation:
Always try to avoid Negative Meditation. This can be very tempting to do.
Somebody say something bad about you and you go inside and start to give yourself reasons why what they said is true.
Don’t be too emotional to start pondering on Negative comments from people.
8. Don’t Judge Yourself:
Don’t be too fast to judge yourself based on other’s opinions about you. You might ask what if their opinion is correct?
I said before, your thoughts make you. You control your life when you control your thoughts.
Humans are developing, you should have a mental picture of what you want to be.
When people say something negative about you now. It may be true, it is only an eye-opener to where needs correction for you to achieve your goal.
You don’t have to hold on to their perception of you and continue to use it to judge yourself.
You would only be a prisoner of yourself.
9. Ask Questions:
I left this for last because circumstance might not give the opportunity. But you can ask the person why they think in a certain way toward you.
They might be speaking out of the depth of wrong info. It is better to clarify that as well.
Consider what people say but never lose control of the steering wheel of your life. You know who you are and what you want to be. Let nothing distract you.
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