Why You Need To Manage Your Time
There’s been quite a number of different posts on time management but we fail to realize that we do not actually know the reason why we need to effectively manage our time.
We must have heard of the goal motivator ” Why” . What is your strong why? What I simply mean by this is, do you have a strong reason as to why you need to manage your time. Because your strong why(I.e strong reason) often act as a motivator towards your time management goals.
Many a time, we all have our personal reasons why we really want to go through with learning effective ways to manage our time, probably cause lack of time management is affecting our daily activities or goal actualization but to mention a few. Anyways, be it personal or not; there are also general must know reasons why you need and you should learn to manage your time.
Basically, there are lots of different ways to tackle the issue of time management — you can download apps, adjust your sleep time, create lists, etc. But if you don’t fully understand why it’s important for you to better manage your time, those apps and lists aren’t going to help you. If you don’t have the motivation to use them, you won’t.
10 Solid Reasons why you need to manage your time
Increased Efficiency & productivity
Generally, time management is the process of planning and exercising conscious control of time spent on specific activities; especially to increase effectiveness, efficiency, and productivity. So, this is obviously like the core focus and reason for time management.
It is very important we learn to manage our time because it’s one of the major skills that bring great efficiency in all of our dealings. Your use of your time would help you rise from your minimum to your maximum when efficiency and productivity are increased.
Accomplishing more with less time
This falls under increased productivity as well. To get more things done in less time enables you to be far more productive in all of your work. Sometimes we feel people have more time than we do because they get more things done at the same time that we have got.
Well, they do not have more time more than you do rather they have mastered the art of time management which enables them to save time and at the same time be highly productive.
Time is a limited life resource
You need to understand that time is perishable, you cannot call it back or save it. It is a limited resource that can be lost at any given time. Once it’s gone it’s gone. So the more you learn to manage your time and make good use of it while you can the better. Else, it leaves you stranded on the city called ‘Had I known‘.
So, you should have a say about your time. Just like the proverb “time waits for no man“, time indeed never waits for you, rather you need to catch up with it because indeed it is limited.
Improves decision making
Being able to prioritize tasks is another benefit to having time management skills for your business. Decision making is easier when you can separate what takes precedence. Goals are accomplished quickly when the most important tasks are handled first.
Poor allocation of your time is the result of poor decisions and can lead to mistakes as you progress toward your goals. Errors take time to correct and can lead to an ongoing cycle of more stress, greater urgency and ultimately more mistakes. Decision-making is crucial to time management.
To fulfil your purpose in life
What’s your goal for a day, a week, a year etc. Do you have a purpose? When you have a purpose and you have found that purpose, there would be a great need for you to manage your time wisely because managing your time enable you to fulfil that purpose.
When time is managed wisely, it minimizes stress and improves the overall quality of your life. Time management is indeed life Management.
Helps us create time for important things
Is it that you don’t have time or you have not created time? Time management is what enables you create time. It enable you spend more face time with the people you care about.
Lack of time management makes us miss out on a lot of things that are actually important such as face time with people and reaching out to them. We are often occupied with so much and without proper time management we forget to reach out to others e.g in a case of parent-children relationship. As trivial as it might sound, it’s very important.
Gives room for leisure
When was the last time you had time for yourself doing things that you really enjoy? Can’t remember, right? Fortunately, with good time management, you get more free time in your day to do the leisure and recreational activities that make you happy.
Ultimately, this helps you to create the perfect balance by working smart all day and having a reward of your choice in return. So, you would also be able to do all of the things that give you the greatest amount of joy in life with proper time management.
Reduces procrastination
“I will do it later” – This is an excuse that we all have made at some time. The meaning of time management is not just about doing more in less time but also to reduce the urge to delay and procrastinate over important tasks.
Applying good time management tricks enable you as a founder, leader, or employee to work smarter rather than harder. It instantly eliminates procrastination by ensuring that you’re familiar with the tasks added in your to-do list and when it needs to be finished.
It reduces stress
You are probably wondering how time management could possibly reduce stress because the whole idea of it seems to be about putting good use of your time and that involves work.
Anyways, do you ever feel so stressed and busy but yet you seem to be achieving just very little or nothing? Yet, you are always preoccupied and busy?
Well, I’m sure the answer would be yes. What we often fail to realize is that even being unnecessarily busy and working your butts off without achieving anything is enough to make someone stressed up.
Time management enables you to be much more productive thereby reducing such stress.
Leads you on the road to success
Time management is the most important factor that works for the success of highly successful people. Successful people in the world attribute their success to effective time management activities which they do in their routine life.
Each and every person has 24 hrs in a day but how one manages that time is dependent upon person to person. So, if we distribute our time according to the work priorities then it helps us to reduce the wastage of time and energy and also enables us to do the right thing at the right time.
which will result in increasing the productivity & efficiency which is the crucial part of the journey of success for any person. So when you are able to properly manage your time, you are definitely on the road to success.
Make hay while the sun shines; meaning if you don’t make hay while the sun shines you’d be at the losing end.
They say ‘the journey of a thousand mile begins with one step‘ & I say ‘the journey of getting the work done begins with creating time‘ – DollyMchottney
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Always remember,
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