common communication problem – MISUNDERSTANDING
communication is key in our everyday life. it comes in different forms. there are sign languages and communication by talking and hearing. Here we are going to focus on communication through talking and listening.
it takes more than just speaking the same language to actually communicate with someone. someone can be passing a message and the receiver will be getting another message. this is termed misunderstanding or misinterpretation as the case may be. This is one of the key causes of conflict, quarrel etc.
jane might say “Hey John, you should take your health more seriously” and john will reply “you mean I’m not responsible”. As funny as this may sound it does happen. jane has to be matured enough to not get caught up by the way he replied else a simple conversation can end up in a heated argument.
whenever you say something and you get a response you don’t like, it’s better you just try to analyze what you said instead of quarrelling just because you feel you meant no arm. in conflict, it doesn’t matter who’s wrong or who’s right. what matters is how can the conflict be resolved.
another major issue in communication is caused by people who never want to understand and pick offences from whatever you say. you can’t even be sarcastic around them or joke excessively with them. if you have such people in your life, if you can’t meet their demand it’s best you stop talking to them. accusing them of getting angry easily is wrong on your part because you already know it is who they are.
people are different and it is good to leave it that way. whether you like it or not, it is what makes the world a better place. so communicate with people who will get your message and know when to keep shut to prevent misunderstanding or misinterpretation. As harmless as misunderstanding sound, it can grow to something very dangerous
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