Here @ prettylifestylez, we aim to make sure everyone lives the best possible life without discriminating. By everyone we mean those that are creative, emotional, hardworking etc. If that’s the case, we see no reason why the lazy ones should be excluded.
They are not criminals, right? (LOL)
laziness can be defined as the reluctance to do the needful despite being capable.
It is often associated with procrastination which is the act of putting things to be done anytime but now.
Don’t mistake this as an act to promote laziness. Rather see it as an action taken to encourage those of us struggling with laziness to make the best out of it.
Like, why would anyone want to promote laziness?
“Laziness in doing stupid things can be a great virtue…”
Are you one of the lazy ones? if yes, then you need to read along. For those who hate being hardworking too, then why not port to laziness? (ignore this) we know it comes with lots of negative connotation, but they are a lot of benefits associated with it.
Productivity is key. Being lazy doesn’t stop you from being productive. If you have the chance to choose between working for 10 hours and working for 2hours with the result being the same, I guess there’s nothing to choose.
“I don’t think necessity is the mother of invention. Invention . . . arises directly from idleness, possibly also from laziness. To save oneself trouble.”
9 Unbelievable Benefits of Being lazy
Laziness gives you a lot of time to do other things in your life
Have you ever come around overly serious and hardworking people? They don’t have time for any other things in their life order than work. They hardly do their laundries, spend time with friends, have a father to son talk with Junior etc. All in the name of being busy. these little things matter too. the earlier you know that, the better for you.
Laziness gives you the ability to work under pressure
Like I said earlier, it’s intertwined with procrastination. After procrastinating till there’s no time left, the work is still needed to be done right? Stacking different work till the last minute gives you the ability to do the work under a short amount of time. It becomes a normal thing to work under pressure.
Laziness makes you discover easier ways to do things
How can I be too lazy to work and still want to follow the strenuous process to achieving my goal? I’ll rather think and implement an easier way of achieving the said goal. this is one of the most powerful benefits that is associated with being lazy.
Being lazy reduces expectations
you’re lazy right? cool then. No one is expecting much from you. This gives you a lot of freedom to explore in this cage-like world where freedom is scarce
Lazy people promote peace
Being lazy means one is too lazy to engage in heated arguments, quarrels etc. They are environmental and societal friendly people. They do anything for a calm atmosphere thereby promoting peace wherever they go. No one is making it out alive, right? the least you can do is stay alive as long as possible.
Lazy people worry less
hardworking people are always overly serious. With the high expectations and pressure on them, they strive towards perfection. If results are not forthcoming, they start to worry. This lead to stress which can bring a lot of other illness e.g high blood pressure. However, when one is lazy, one tends to worry less which make him/her healthier and younger.
Lazy people hardly get fatigued
Fatigue comes from stress which is a product of hard work. lazy people are easy-going people. They don’t stress over everything, just a few important things in their life. they tend to look healthier and younger than their hardworking pairs.
Being lazy increases efficiency
How can one be too lazy to do something meaningful and want to repeat such an act? I see no reason. Lazy people are one of the most efficient people. They just hate working. When there is a need to do so, they end up being very efficient in order not to repeat the work. They tend to exert a lot of energy in the shortest possible time to get it done as soon as possible so they can go back to being lazy (which is what they do best).
“If there’s an easier, more efficient way to do something, trust a lazy person to find it.”
Being lazy waste less time
Some people are just busy doing nothing. By this, I mean some people work hard and yet are unproductive. The lazy ones will rather be on Netflix all day rather than spend so much time being unproductive.
“On days I’m too lazy to rake the leaves the wind does it for me.”
I’ve not said it’s good to be lazy. Just highlighted ways that one can be productive regardless.
“If you have a difficult task give it to a lazy man — he will find an easier way to do it.”
Don’t be overly serious when reading this. If you feel motivated to always work hard, feel free to do so. Be rest assured, productivity is key. For the lazy ones, learn the areas you can afford to be lazy but in the areas where laziness is not a choice act accordingly. As long as you are productive, you are on the right track.
It’s good that you emulate some of the attributes of lazy people. This will help you live a happier and healthy life because no one makes it out alive.
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[…] few days ago, I wrote an article on Being lazy- 9 Unbelievable Benefits, the drive behind writing that article is also behind […]