Practical Ways to Effectively Manage Your Time
Haven talked about Time management skills and effective principles of Time Management in my previous posts, I guess it’s just not enough to know the principles and skills alone without knowing practical ways to actually effectively manage your time or better still, apply those principles for better time management.
10 Practical Ways to Effectively Manage Your Time
– Manage Yourself
In Truth, you cannot actually manage time, rather, you can only manage yourself within time.
Peter Drucker wrote before his death in 2005 that the need to manage oneself was creating a revolution in human affairs.
The major problem with self-management involves our lack of self-discipline.
Also, we allow people’s emergency to cut into our time. That someone doesn’t know how to manage their time shouldn’t be my crises or should it?
– Always Plan
You need to imbibe the habit of using a planner. Could use a daily, weekly or monthly planner. Creating a task list(to-do list) where you write down the main tasks that need to be done.
Mention the necessary steps that lead to the completion of projects and where you split your main goals into subgoals and work towards the achievement of the goals.
Putting things down actually help far more than we can actually imagine. Do not forget “the faintest pencil is stronger than the strongest brain“. Whatever is written down is most likely to be done.
Reallocation simply involves putting First things first. It is one common denominator that all successful people share.
In other words, prioritizing some important tasks to some trivial others. You simply do so by reallocating the use of your time from things of low value to things of high value.
Recommended: 10 lethal dangers of misplaced priorities
-Setting Time Limits
Learn to set time limits for each task. Setting time limits for each task helps you to consciously manage time. Especially when you stick to it and always try to meet up with the time you’ve set for yourself. I’ve found that setting a time limit to each task prevents me from getting distracted or procrastinating.
-Make Good use of mornings
It’s of best interest to allocate the most important tasks of the day to early hours of the day if possible. Take advantage of the first few hours of the day because that is when you will be at your most creative state and have more energy. Whatever task needs your most undisturbed attention, do it first thing in the morning.
-Delegate task
Delegation of a task is a crucial aspect of the modern workplace. We understand that it’s often difficult to let someone else complete certain tasks; but remember, you’ve got limited time to complete certain tasks and delegating/outsourcing can be a real time-saver.
Leaders delegate task. When you don’t delegate a task, you will never find time to do the most important thing. While this skill is most often done by managers, you can also practice delegating tasks if you are managing a project.
– Audit Deletion
Find out where your time goes, This is to help cut back unproductive sections. You cannot manage something that you’ve no idea about.
Write down the thing you do on a daily basis and then think about what you can edit and delete what is not serving your purpose.
Understand your time blocks, your compulsory time, discretionary time and your leisure time.
-Stop trying to Please people
In order for you to devote your time to the things that are most important to you, you need to start practising saying no to other people.
It’s natural for us humans to want to be part of the pack, but the more we say yes to other people, the more we are saying no to ourselves. I am sure it’s no news to you that you can’t actually please everybody.
Only say yes to activities and things you really want to do and give your time and energy to people you love and who lift you up.
While it can often be difficult to say “no” when someone asks you to do something at work, it is important to practice having boundaries to manage your time well and ultimately accomplish your goals.
-Time Block
Time blocking is a time management method that asks you to divide your day into blocks of time. Each block is dedicated to accomplishing a specific task, or group of tasks, and only those specific tasks.
It is actually the method of committing a certain number of hours to just one task and blocking off time for other tasks. Time Block is often necessary in order to avoid unnecessary distractions. It helps for better productivity, accomplish more and take control of your schedule without interruptions.
– Do not Multitask
Many of us think trying to do everything all at once actually helps us manage time. But actually, in truth, it doesn’t. It often just leads to half-done tasks. Managing two tasks at once often results in loss of productivity.
When we try to do too many things at once, we fail to embrace a more complete picture of our situation. So do not try to multitask as a means to manage time, you would only be mismanaging time rather than managing it. The shorter way to do many things is to only do one thing at a time
To do two things at once is to do neither – Publius Syrus
Time and tide wait for no man
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Well wrote… Nice write-up.. Its indeed helpful and educative💯💯, expecting more of this nice write up from you… Keep it up👏🏼
Thanks. Kindly share