Photo by Viacheslav Bublyk on Unsplash
Hi guys, today we would be looking at how you can make a good income using your skills and talents.
The world is full of people who have great talents as well as skills but aren’t making the best out of it thereby leaving it to waste.
They say hard work is the key but
hard work coupled with smart work is far more beneficial and increases your achievement pace – DollyMchottney
Hard work will not be beneficial to you and other people until you go ahead to make some profits from your talents and skills because a profitable talent is far more efficient.
It can be really disheartening having to pay others for services that you know deep down you can render but you probably just didn’t fuel such skill/talent.
So, therefore, one of the dangers of not turning your talents and skills into profitable ventures would be that you would have to work for other people’s pocket.
Science would say when you choose not to use a certain part of the body anymore, you expose it to the risk of going numb. The same applies to your talent and skills.
Your talent and skills are not for decoration, but for manifestation. so if you keep them hidden you may end up killing them.
In order to be able to gain from them and make meaningful income, then carefully go through these 7 simple ways.
Develop it
It is one thing to be hardworking and not have the skill or talent but you are making effort, while it is another thing to have the skill and talent with no development or effort.
Which is better?…. I’m sure you know the former does better.
Not developing your skills and talents is as good as wasting them. It is not enough to just have them and leave them.
You need to put in the effort to develop them and make yourself better in your field so when you need to deliver, you are able to do that in the best way.
As you know people would always prefer the best and pick quality. So before you can make income out of anything. However, you need to work on yourself by developing those skills and talents.
Make it a product or service
You have to understand that no one would pay you for just having a great talent or skill. No one cares what you have but rather what you can render.
You can only be paid for the services you render or product sold. Until your talent is able to satisfy people’s needs, you can not enjoy the profits of your talents or skills.
For instance, no matter how well you sing no one would pay you for having a good voice, you can only be paid when invited as an artist to an event or when they buy your music in form of a product.
Even as little as being able to read and understand people, being able to listen and provide solutions to people’s problem could make you a good psychologist and make you useful in helping people through therapy.
Some people would say ‘how would I just pay someone to listen to me’. Well, service is a service irrespective of form or significance to you.
Package your talent/skill
Haven turned your talent or skill into a product or service. Next thing to do would be to package them properly because good packaging is everything!
Why do you think certain products sell more than others out there? The difference is the quality of presentation and level of acceptability.
People will pay more for a well-packaged product/service that makes them happy and make their lives better.
How do you present your skills/service?
Sometimes people get to patronise you more because of your packaging and what they think you have to offer even before offering.
Talents/skills to tangible physical products that are presentable and appealing to the public can guarantee profits/cash reward.
You know what they say
looking good is good business
Make your product/service affordable and easily accessible
This is one tip you should always bear in mind especially as a beginner. First of all, people don’t even know you or what you can offer much, then your prices are now way overboard. They most likely won’t patronise you.
No matter how great your converted talent or skills is people may hardly pay for it if it is outside their financial and geographical reach especially as a beginner like I mentioned earlier.
Until your product becomes a brand, it is wise you bring down the price so that people can easily get it without blinking.
More so, as they are getting it for such a cheap price they are getting to know you. So when you increase your price and still give quality, they would still be willing to patronise as they have become familiar with you.
In other words, the more your product sells, the more cash you make, the more popular you become and the more your brand grows.
Cut off restrictions
Do not restrict your product/skills to a specific location or individuals. Try to expand your market reach as much as you can because the bigger the reach the Better.
I am very much aware that this can b difficult with some certain kind of products/services but still, the idea is to cut restriction to the barest minimum.
It is more profitable to find ways to expand your reach, making it cut across as many as it can.
Make product distribution a priority. You can get people to market and make a commission from your products. Good marketing is a major necessity in business.
Build on Integrity
It easy to find people selling fake products these days and rendering false services all because of money.
What they fail to realize is these things come back to bite you and affect your market gradually and greatly, eventually.
Do you think you are playing smart?… No, you are just playing yourself.
Build on integrity with your business, don’t sell what you know you can’t use.
Don’t render a false service and don’t sell a fake product because no one would like to come back or recommend other people to patronize your products if it doesn’t do what it says.
Selling and rendering authentic services/products are all part of what also boosts your brand in the long run.
If people can get something genuine but more expensive, they will be more than willing to dump yours for the other.
See your talent/skills as seeds
If your seed can not meet any need in the society then you will obviously be broke.
When you begin to see your talent or skills as seeds that meet other peoples needs in order to meet your own needs, then you would be more motivated to produce more seeds.
When thinking of ideas, you should be thinking of needs you can meet as well as problems you can solve because that’s what brings income.
The more needs your seeds meets, the more money and profits you make.
Follow this link to see various ways you can make money online – make money online
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This is vry interesting
A very useful article.
Many thanks.